CES Personnel
CES Personnel

Contact Information

N-106P Ag. Science North Bldg. 1100 South Limestone Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 257-1727

Agent Position MJRs

Agent Position MJRs

County Extension Agents


Listed below are some of the degrees that may be accepted for the various County Extension Agent positions. This list is not exhaustive as degree titles vary from institution to institution.  Application submissions are reviewed for relevant coursework completed and academic performance.  Click on the position title to read a detailed description of each position, including the major job responsibilities and skills/competencies needed. 

4-H Youth Development - BS Degree or MS Degree in:  Education; Agriculture; Family & Consumer Sciences; Social Science; or similar field of study.

Agriculture & Natural Resources - BS Degree or MS Degree in:  Agronomy/Plant Science/Horticulture; Agriculture Education/Leadership; Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology; Agriculture Economics; Animal Sciences; Community and Leadership Development; Equine Science and Management; General Agriculture; Forestry; Landscape Architecture; Natural Resources and Environmental Science; Sustainable Agriculture and Community Food Systems; General Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics; Physiology and Behavior; Plant Biology.

Family & Consumer Sciences - Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in the field of Family & Consumer Sciences such as:  Family & Consumer Sciences Education; Family Sciences; Family Studies; Child and Family Studies; Early Childhood Education; Child Development; Dietetics; Nutrition or Human Nutrition; Community Food Services; Food Science; Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles; Hospitality, Management and Tourism; Retailing and Tourism Management; Community & Leadership Development; Consumer Economics and Family Financial Counseling; Health Promotions; Health, Society & Populations;  Health Communications; Leadership for Community Education & Human Learning; Social Work; Marriage & Family Therapy; Human Health Sciences; Public Health; Health & Human Performance / Health Studies; or Nursing.  

Fine Arts - BS Degree or MS Degree in an area of: Fine Arts; fine arts education; or related field. A wide background in fine arts areas and experience in community fine arts programs is preferred.

Horticulture - BS or MS Degree in: Horticulture; Agriculture; or closely related field.

Extension Agent MJRs

Educational Programming - 50 

Develop, implement, and evaluate a plan of work based on locally identified needs (identify priority issues, volunteers  and local partners in the community), which will lead to improved quality of living for youth and adults. Develop implement and evaluate a community-based 4-H program grounded in the principles of high-quality positive youth development programs through a variety of delivery methods  (clubs, special interest/short term programs, individual study, school enrichment, camps, and after-school ) recognizing the more delivery methods offered, the more access created for youth participants. Provide programs that are grounded in positive youth development research, accessible by all audiences, include a variety of educational delivery methods and contain evaluation components based on progressive skill development and behavior change. Develop,  implement and evaluate an accessible and comprehensive educational curriculum-based youth development program including a balance of the seven core program areas: (1) Animal Science; (2) Communications and Expressive Arts; (3) Family and Consumer Sciences; (4) Health and Wellbeing; (5) Leadership; (6) Natural Resources; (7) Science, Engineering and Technology, recognizing the more core program areas offered, the more access created for youth participation. Plan, promote and work on state mandated programs, determined by the state 4-H program and supervised by the supervisor (i.e., 4-H camp, SNAP-ed, state level 4-H educational experiences, priority indicators, etc.). Ensure program quality outcomes of 4-H activities and events by promoting the development of essential skills of leadership, communication, and civic engagement throughout all learning opportunities. Provide opportunities for youth to be actively involved in events and programs outside the county on the area, region, state, national and/or international level by fostering progressive experiences for youth. Collaborate with specialists to provide cutting edge information and innovative programming, fostering the high-quality principles of positive youth development. Develop new or adapted programming to accommodate underserved audiences within the community. Support the dissemination of useful and practical information on subjects relating to Agriculture and Natural Resources, Horticulture, Family & Consumer Science, Community Arts and Rural Development and divide time between these subject areas in a manner determined by the supervisor.  Maintain a system to provide clientele information on a timely basis. Use new technology to speed response time for clientele requests and provide recommendations. Provide latest research-based information in a customer friendly, accessible manner. Serve all clientele ensuring that all youth and adults have an equal opportunity to participate in Extension programs regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills: Planning and organizing; ability to travel to sites outside the office; written and oral communication skills; teaching and presentation skills; utilizing/translating research-based information to guide programmatic efforts in implementing and evaluating programming for general audiences. 

Advisory Councils/Leadership – 15% 

Determine appropriate volunteer positions. Recruit, develop and utilize youth and adults to be active members of a 4-H Advisory council and County Extension Council to help identify local issues, conduct and evaluate educational programs, secure resources for Extension programs and communicate curriculum needs to the University. Recruit, develop and utilize members of program area councils and committees, including an expansion and review committee. Recruit, develop and train youth and adults as leaders to assist with the implementation of the 4-H program. Ensure that all Client Protection guidelines are implemented within the 4-H Youth Development program area. Ensure that the 4-H Leadership is representative of the county population. Develops personal leadership skills appropriate for professional position. Other duties as assigned. 




Competencies/skills: Recruitment and marketing skills; confidentiality; attention to detail; ability to work with and value a wide range of personalities; ability to make decisions; teaching skills. 

Public Accountability and Public Relations – 15% 

Demonstrates open and efficient communication among agents, support staff and Extension clientele. Provides latest research-based information in a customer friendly manner to clientele. Network and build relationships among a wide variety of groups and individuals to market and support for Extension. Use new technology to communicate with clientele and University officials. Contributes to the information base used to document accomplishments of the Cooperative Extension Service to key decision makers and Federal partners. Conduct program evaluations to demonstrate the extent to which programmatic efforts achieved expected short-term outcomes (e.g., knowledge, aspirations, skills, and attitudes), intermediate outcomes (e.g., behavior change and adoption of new practices) and/or long-term outcomes (e.g., improvements in individual and community social, economic, and/or environmental conditions). Submit statistical contacts, program indicators, and success stories to report program reach and impact. Utilize evaluation results and/or success stories to document and publicize accomplishment. Share program outcomes with community and elected officials to help them understand the value of Extension. Complete reporting for state-mandated programs (i.e., SNAP-ed, 4-H Online, etc.). Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills:  Written and oral communication skills; dependability; courteous and responsive to the public; social media skills. 

Facilitation/Collaboration/Teamwork – 10% 

Collaborates with other groups which will lead to new audiences seeking opportunities to participate in Extension programs. Serve as a group facilitator to convene or intervene with groups that need a neutral facilitator to help the group identify, solve problems and/or make decisions. Partner with other groups/agencies in the county such as family resource centers, FFA, or other youth serving agencies in the county to provide youth programs. Build collaborations with other agencies and organizations to solve community problems and multiply effectiveness. Serve as a source of expertise in youth development and other subject matter areas targeted to youth audiences. Exhibit and promote teamwork at county, area, region, and state levels, acting as mentor and contributing to the professional development of all agents.  Support the overall-office operation by having input on support staff evaluations, budget, county extension council as well as the other office-wide responsibilities and serving as a lead person in operational areas as needed. Recruit audiences for and collaborate with partners in program areas and other community, professional or industry groups. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/Skills: Initiative; leadership abilities; ability to easily meet people and form relationships; open and honest communication skills; team player. 

Supervision - 5 

Monitors schedules and work completion. Reviews and updates all staff job analysis questionnaires. Conducts reviews to document and discuss staff progress in achieving performance standards. Allows and encourages staff to attend trainings that will enhance their development. Supports the implementation of new skills on the job and follows up to ensure implementation. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills:  Communication skills; coaching; supervisory skills. 

Professional Standards, Customer Service and Organizational Improvement - 5 

Consistently live out the commitment to the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment tenets of excellence, competence, respect, flexibility, communication, and learning. Model and promote excellent customer service to all internal and external constituents. Expand professional knowledge through training, classes, and seminars. In accordance with the University’s four pillars of employee well-being: belonging and engagement, health and wellness, career success, and financial stability, it is strongly recommended that some portion of the professional development is related to well-being. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills:  Leadership management skills. 


Educational Programming - 50 

Develop, implement, and evaluate a plan of work based on locally identified needs (identify priority issues and local partners in the community), which will lead to improved agricultural and environmental practices; develop and implement educational programs in agricultural production and environmental stewardship. Use demonstrated and research based teaching methods to instruct community members on locally relevant agricultural topics; develop field trials, test demonstrations and result demonstrations or other hands on learning experiences related to agriculture/natural resources production and practices to use for educational purposes using instruction techniques verified through research; collaborate with other agents and specialists to plan, execute and evaluate educational programs at the county, area, region, and state level. Develop and implement leadership programs such as Master Gardeners resulting in the development of personal and organizational leadership skills. Develop new or adapted programming to accommodate underserved audiences within the community. Plan, promote and work on state mandated programs and projects (i.e., 4-H camp, SNAP-ed, etc.). Support the dissemination of useful and practical information on subjects relating to Horticulture, Family & Consumer Science, 4-H Youth Development, Community Arts and Rural Development and divide time between these subject areas in a manner determined by supervisor.  Maintain a system to provide clientele information on a timely basis. Use new technology to speed response time for clientele requests and provide recommendations. Provide latest research based information in a customer friendly manner. Serve all clientele ensuring that all youth and adults have an equal opportunity to participate in Extension programs regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills: Planning and organizing; ability to travel to sites outside the office; written and oral communication skills; teaching and presentation skills; understanding of agricultural practices; utilizing/translating research-based information to guide programmatic efforts in implementing and evaluating programming for general audiences. 

Advisory Councils/Leadership - 15 

Determine appropriate volunteer positions. Recruit, develop and utilize members of ANR advisory Council to help identify local issues, conduct and evaluate educational programs, secure resources for Extension programs and communicate curriculum needs to the University. Ensure that all Client Protection guidelines are implemented within the ANR program area. Ensure that ANR leadership is representative of the county population. Provide leadership to Master Gardeners program and provide opportunities for members to learn, develop and practice leadership skills. Recruit, develop and utilize members of program area councils and committees. Partner with agricultural businesses and organizations to build leadership in the agricultural community, work with community and civic leaders to enhance the economic and social wellbeing of the county and communities contained therein. Provide citizens with the opportunities to learn and practice leadership skills. Determine appropriate volunteer positions and identify, enlist and train volunteer leaders to help carry out program responsibilities. Demonstrate professionalism and personal leadership skills. Other duties as assigned. 



Competencies/skills: Recruitment and marketing skills; confidentiality; attention to detail; ability to work with and value a wide range of personalities. 

Public Accountability and Public Relations - 15 

Demonstrates open and efficient communication among agents, support staff and Extension clientele. Provides latest research based information in a customer friendly manner to clientele. Network and build relationships among a wide variety of groups and individuals to market and support for Extension. Use new technology to communicate with clientele and University officials. Contributes to the information base used to document accomplishments of the Cooperative Extension Service to key decision makers and Federal partners. Conduct program evaluations to demonstrate the extent to which programmatic efforts achieved expected short-term outcomes (e.g., knowledge, aspirations, skills, and attitudes), intermediate outcomes (e.g., behavior change and adoption of new practices) and/or long-term outcomes (e.g., improvements in individual and community social, economic, and/or environmental conditions). Submit statistical contacts, program indicators and success stories to report program reach and impact. Utilize evaluation results and/or success stories to document and publicize accomplishment. Share program outcomes with community and elected officials to help them understand the value of Extension. Complete reporting for state-mandated programs (i.e., SNAP-ed, 4-H Online, etc.). Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills: Written and oral communication skills; dependability; courteous and responsive to the public; social media skills. 

Facilitation/Collaboration/Teamwork - 10 

Collaborates with groups which will lead to new audiences seeking opportunities to participate in Extension programs. Serve as a group facilitator to convene or intervene with groups that need a neutral facilitator to help the group identify, solve problems and/or make decisions. Partner with other groups/agencies in the county such as FSC, NRCS or agricultural businesses to provide programs, build collaborations with other agencies and organizations to solve community problems and multiply effectiveness. Serve as a source of expertise in the community for agriculture and natural resources subject matter areas. Exhibit and promote teamwork with organizations to solve community problems and multiply effectiveness. Exhibit and promote teamwork at county, area, region, and state levels, acting as mentor and contributing to the professional development of all agents. Support the overall-office operation by having input on support staff evaluations, budget, county extension council as well as the other office-wide responsibilities and serving as a lead person in operational areas as needed. Recruit audiences for and collaborate with partners in program areas and other community, professional or industry groups. Other duties as assigned. 



Competencies/Skills: Initiative; leadership abilities; ability to easily meet people and form 

relationships; open and honest communication skills; team player. 

Supervision - 5 

Monitors schedules and work completion. Reviews and updates all staff job analysis questionnaires. Conducts reviews to document and discuss staff progress in achieving performance standards. Allows and encourages staff to attend trainings that will enhance their development. Supports the implementation of new skills on the job and follows up to ensure implementation. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills:  Communication skills; coaching; supervisory skills. 

Professional Standards, Customer Service and Organizational Improvement - 5 

Consistently live out the commitment to the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment tenets of excellence, competence, respect, flexibility, communication, and learning. Model and promote excellent customer service to all internal and external constituents. Expand professional knowledge through training, classes, and seminars. In accordance with the University’s four pillars of employee well-being: belonging and engagement, health and wellness, career success, and financial stability, it is strongly recommended that some portion of the professional development is related to well-being. Other duties as assigned. 


Competencies/skills:  Leadership management skills. 

Contact Information

N-106P Ag. Science North Bldg. 1100 South Limestone Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 257-1727